Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Youtube's New Fearure: The Snoopa Vision

- Pratiti Nath

Every day we go online and watch millions of videos – from educational ones to the ones for entertainment. Where do we get these videos? YouTube off course. Now, consider watching these videos from different angles. 

YouTube's new feature - Snoopa Vision does just that! 

On April 1st, 2016 Youtube has enabled this option which allows you to watch videos in 360 degrees... wait for it... with Snoop Dogg!  Hence the name Snoopa Vision.

This is the brain child of the content studio Portal A and the Director Innovation of YouTube Ben Relles. Guess who is the project architect of this project? None other than Rapper himself Snoop Dogg. According to Youtube this won’t be out until a decade but a β-version of it has added the “Snoopa Vision” icon beside the “settings” options. They will role it out to all YouTube videos by 19th  January, 2031. Clicking the icon will take you to a list of top most viral videos viewed by Snoop Dogg, Olga Kay and some other famous YouTubers. 

So there you go it’s an April fool’s prank from Youtube which enables you to watch videos in 360 degrees with Snoop Dogg and other famous YouTubers. It’s virtual reality with Snoop Dogg!

Watch the Video Here!

Want to watch videos with Snoop Dogg?

The Ice-Cream Van in SnoopaVision

MOMMYS BIG SECRET :) in SnoopaVision

Little Boy Trying to Break Board in Taekwondo in SnoopaVision

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